5 Encouraging Facts About AutismFeb 10, 2025Every person with autism has unique strengths, talents, and potential. As understanding of autism grows, so do the supportive treatments available for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Read more about therapies like neuro-optometric rehabilitation. Continue reading →
What Is Functional Rehabilitation and Why Does It Matter?Feb 08, 2025When a condition affects your ability to function and threatens your independence, functional rehabilitation can make a big difference. Continue reading →
What You Should Know About Post-Stroke Vision CareFeb 06, 2025Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States experiences a stroke which can result in vision problems. Here's what you need to know. Continue reading →
Living With Parkinson's Disease: Four Ways the Condition Can Affect Your EyesFeb 04, 2025Nearly one million Americans live with Parkinson’s disease, a condition that impacts many aspects of life. Here’s how it can affect your eyes and four ways we can help. Continue reading →
Spotting the Symptoms of a ConcussionJan 14, 2025Concussions are relatively common injuries that can have serious, life-altering impacts. Knowing the symptoms ensures you seek treatment as soon as possible. Here, learn the symptoms to look for, including subtle symptoms that alter your vision. Continue reading →
The Importance of Early Vision Intervention for Children With Autism Spectrum DisorderJan 12, 2025An Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis shifts your priorities and changes your family dynamics, but you can give your child every opportunity to thrive if you get help early. Here’s why starting treatments sooner rather than later is so important. Continue reading →
How a Concussion Might Affect Your Child’s Gate, Balance, and Other Visual ManifestationsJan 12, 2025More than two million children and adolescents are diagnosed with a concussion, or a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), each year in the United States. Learn how this common injury may affect your child’s balance and gait, among other symptoms. Continue reading →
Understanding the Options for Treatment and Rehabilitation Following a Neurological InjuryJan 07, 2025Struggling with vision after a neurological injury? Learn how neuro-optometric rehabilitation can help you overcome vision-related issues with patient-focused care. Continue reading →
How ADD Manifests and How to Treat Visual SymptomsJan 07, 2025Is it difficult for you to follow moving objects, maintain focus, or judge distances? These are common visual challenges for individuals with attention-deficit disorder (ADD), and neuro-optometric rehabilitation offers targeted solutions. Continue reading →
5 Tips for Reducing the Risk of Stumbles and FallsJan 02, 2025Stumbles and falls are common injuries, affecting up to 14 million Americans 65 and older annually. Here, we explore simple ways to reduce your fall risk. Continue reading →